Art Director: Alessia Alciator
VFX I 3D Animation: Svenja Frahm
Teaser Animation: Shirley Sarker
Print: Giles I Mike O'Sullivan
Audio Mix: Anthony McElhinney
Sequel to the popular 80’s TV series, Dallas follows the greed, backstabbing and intrigue in the Ewing oil and cattle ranching family. Channel 5 started the launch of the US hit series with a big party to which all the major medias were invited. In collaboration with the event organizers, I worked on recreating a true Texan look and feel for the event. The graphics ranged from designing a bronco section to JR's office. Bar panels, hanging banners, promos and teasers for the screen displays. As the Art Director, I was also responsible for the On-Air, Digital and Off-Air Campaign.